Elm Savers

Adult elm leaf beetle

Adult elm leaf beetles, approximately the size of a large grain of rice was first identified in Australia in 1989.

Elm Savers Factsheet
Read and download our factsheets on pests, diseases and treatment methods
  • Moreton Bay Fig Psyllid Treatments Moreton Bay Fig Psyllid mycopsylla fici can cause significant damage and defoliation primarily in Moreton Bay Figs and less so in Port Jackson Fig
  • Elm Leaf Spot A widespread damaging and defoliating fungal disease that affects Weeping, Golden and English elms.
  • Phytophthora Treatments for Eucalyptus & Other tree species Phytophthora is a serious plant disease that affects a wide range of plant species in both wild and cultivated situations.
  • Birch Leaf Spot Birch Leaf Spot is a foliar leaf disease that affects Birch, Aspen and Cottonwood trees and other members of the Betulaceae family.
  • Sycamore Lace Bug Pest of Plane trees or Sycamore and familiar to many gardeners
  • Mulberry Leaf Spot A common leaf disorder affecting fruiting and ornamental mulberries
  • Cypress Canker Cypress canker is a serious fungal disease that affects certain coniferous species
  • Ash Whitefly A small white sap sucking insect, causes leaf damage in Golden and Claret Ash trees.