Elm Savers

Ema-ject® treatment effective against Olive Lacebug in European Olive, Melbourne CBD

Ema-ject effective on Olive Lacebug
Micro injected with Ema-ject® on the 7th of May 2021 targeting Olive Lacebug – froggattia olivina
Ema-ject® treatment effective against Olive Lacebug
Olive lacebug free with a significant improvement in tree health is evident on the 29th of October 2021

This high profile European Olive -Olea europaea, is located at 130 Lonsdale Street in Melbourne’s CBD. It was severely infested at treatment and was suffering from root disturbance during building works.

Micro injection with Ema-ject® at label rates is demonstrating high efficacy in controlling this pest and others in olives. Further label additions for both amenity and agricultural applications are pending.

The product is a unique water soluble formulation of Emamectin Benzoate, again it has demonstrated its high systemicity in woody plant species.

For further information on Olive Lacebug visit: https://agriculture.vic.gov.au/biosecurity/pest-insects-and-mites/priority-pest-insects-and-mites/olive-lace-bug.