Elm Savers

Wollongong’s Belmore Basin Fig Trees are Now Protected with Ema-ject.

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Fig Psyllid at (Moreton Bay & Port Jackson)

Belmore Basins iconic figs are now protected against the dreaded Fig Psyllid that targets both Moreton Bay & Port Jackson Figs. The treatment involved is micro tree injection. Applications are delivered directly into the tree trunk where the insecticide is internalised.

This avoids any external contamination.

Tree injection is an environmentally safe procedure, but it is enhanced by combining the bio-pesticide Ema-ject® a novel emamectin benzoate formulation.

Most authorities are aware of the potential risk of insecticidal residues in amenity tree treatments, especially those that are consumed by wildlife including bees. Imidacloprid a common insecticide has known residues in buds, nectar, pollen, and fruit in multiple tree species.

The risk too fruit bats eating figs and widespread faecal residue dispersal within the
environment is key.

Fruit bat colonies are often located near waterways. Significant amounts of bat excrement, and its potential residues and leaching, could be seen as a danger that could impact severely on aquatic invertebrates.

With that in mind Ema-ject® was seen as the safest option. No bud or floral residues were detected in multiple tree species in all APVMA submitted studies during the registration process.

This project was approved by council and falls under APVMA Permit 7250.